Viewing Forgiveness as a Gift, Part 2 (TMF:2345)

Peace to Live By: Viewing Forgiveness as a Gift, Part 2 (TMF:2345) - Daniel Litton
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       Nonetheless, all this being said, we can note that unforgiveness really is hurting us more than it is hurting the person or group of people we are being unforgiving toward.
I have no doubt that unforgiveness does hurt the person we are mad at. Our minds are powerful, and all of those unforgiving thoughts float around from us in the spiritual realm. That’s one reason God really can’t fellowship with us when we are unforgiving. That negative energy emitted by us blocks the presence of God in our lives, or in our prayer time. It’s like when Peter talked about the husband’s prayers being blocked when he is mad at his wife. Well, it’s no different in our fellowship with God and unforgivness. The truth is that no one on the face of the earth deserves our forgiveness. Did you ever think about that? Likewise, no one on the face of the earth should, in reality, have to forgive us. That being said, we know that because of the world we currently live in, offense is going to occur. We know that we each have accumulated a huge deficit in front of God. We have offended God greatly, in many ways.