Not Allowing Interruptions, Part 3 (TMF:2343)

Peace to Live By: Not Allowing Interruptions, Part 3 (TMF:2343) - Daniel Litton
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       I think the less steps the better. The point in not looking at notifications as the come to our phones is to optimize our focus. If we read the message, our attention will be split from what we are working on to whatever the person who has texted us is saying. And, we could start up a new conversation that will hurt our current work. But it’s not just our smartphones that can get us. Working at home also can be an issue for some people. If your family or roommates are around, they can distract you from doing what you need to do. So, perhaps it is best to have a room or an area where one focuses on getting things done. And one could say to themselves, “I will not leave this room until I get done what I need to get done.” It’s all about self-discipline. The Scriptures repeatedly tell us to be self-controlled. All of this is part of having good self-control, of being good stewards with whatever work God has given us to do. We can’t be talking with people and working at the same time. We can’t be tending to family needs and trying to work. There needs to be fine lines in these matters, and only you can establish them.