Love with No Strings Attached, Part 1 (TMF:2290)

Peace to Live By: Love with No Strings Attached, Part 1 (TMF:2290) - Daniel Litton
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       One fundamental thing I have had to learn over the years is that if I truly love someone then I do not fear what they will do and I am not too attached to them. Perhaps you’ve come to this realization yourself. That is, when we truly love a person, we are not afraid of A) what the person may do, and B) actually losing the person. We want those we love to make the right choices. We don’t want them to make choices that harm themselves. We also don’t want a loved one to leave us. That could be either actually dying or even just exiting our life. But, with all this said, if we truly love a person, we aren’t permanently attached to them. One of the reasons for this lack of attachment is because every person is responsible for him or herself. You and I cannot be held responsible for the actions of others. Unless we have deliberately lead them astray, or done something against them, we cannot blame ourselves if they make choices that we don’t want them to make. Truly, everyone is independent to themselves.